6:30, 7:30 in the morning I would turn it on and more often than not old Bruce would be shouting at the top of his lungs. Ekristheh from Halath, United StatesMy favorite memory of this involves an alleged "Lite Rock" station I used to listen to.Ryan from Anahola, HiThis is my favorite Bruce Springsteen song.This song is something many people can relate to. While this tune could be about losers, I also think it's trying to tell you to enjoy those glory days while you're in them, because often they go by 'in the wink of a young girl's eye'. Bruce Springsteen's was excellent loved that they included this song as well as 10th Avenue Freeze Out, another of my favorites by the Boss. Camille from Toronto, OhVery few Super Bowl halftime shows are entertaining.Esskayess from Dallas, TxTyler, it wasn't the series finale of 'Spin City,' but it WAS played as a farewell fanfare for Fox (alliteration police!), who was leaving because of his Parkinson's.It eventually would peaked at #5 (for 1 week) on July 28th, 1985 (it would spent 5 weeks on the Top 10). Barry from Sauquoit, NyAs already stated Bruce performed "Glory Days" on David Letterman's final NBC-TV show on June 25th, 1993 and exactly eight years earlier on June 25th, 1985 it was at #17 on Billboard's Hot Top 100 chart.Some Random Guy from Houston, TexasWho played the cocktail waitress? She's got solo face time in a couple of scenes in the video but is not mentioned in the credits.Toocule from Savannah, GaInteresting article about the ballplayer's recollections:.

(Freehold historian Kevin Coyne sleuthed out this story, which was published in the New York Times). Springsteen confirmed the story at his 30th high school reunion in 1997, but DePugh wasn't there they finally met up again in 2005 when they met for lunch and once again relived their glory days. When "Glory Days" was released, DePugh was living in Vermont, where word got out that he was the subject of the song. Bruce went back in, where he and his old friend talked about the good old days until the bar closed. In the summer of 1973, DePugh was walking in to a bar called the Headliner in Neptune, New Jersey while Springsteen was walking out. They were good friends, but drifted apart as Springsteen pursued music while DePugh took a shot at sports (he tried out for the Los Angeles Dodgers). Rose of Lima School in Freehold, New Jersey and played baseball together in the Babe Ruth League (ages 13-15). Springsteen and DePugh were classmates at St. This fellow is Joe DePugh, and the encounter really did happen. In this song, Springsteen sings about a chance encounter with an old friend who was a star baseball player in high school.