Prepare environment to program Arduino board with Rust.Here is the set of steps we will cover today: The absence of the well documented steps was my motivation to write this tutorial.

Despite that the code quality is, unfortunately, not great (it contains large fragments of commented code and was not updated for a while), it was a great help for me to find the right direction. Luckily enough, Rust supports nearly seamless interaction with the C code! While it is very well possible to link almost any Arduino library to the rust project, I was not able to find any meaningful description of the steps required to do so! My best hit was the rust-arduino-helpers project. Third-party library availability is, however, still lagging behind.

The Hardware Abstraction Layer for AVR microcontrollers avr-hal, Rudino library and ravedude CLI utility to make Rust development for AVR microcontrollers easier are just a few examples of the solid foundation developed so far. Consequently, the Arduino Rust ecosystem have significantly developed in the last couple of years. With the rust community growing year after year, more and more people try using rust to program their Arduino boards. Rust language shares all advantages of efficient C++ code.

Most manufacturers develop precisely C++ Arduino-compatible driver libraries to be used "out of the box". If the project is more complex than blinking the led, it would likely require integration with the range of sensors, servo motors, and other third-party peripheries. However, the compact binary size and efficiency of compiled code is probably not the main advantage of the traditional Arduino ecosystem. While they are easier to study for a new joiner without an existing programming background, C++ stays a default language choice, especially when dealing with cheap and low-memory AVR-controller boards and having a need to run more or less complex projects. The availability of powerful ARM-based Arduino-compatible boards made it possible to use python, JavaScript, or even a browser to program your circuit. Historically, Arduino boards are programmed with C++ programming language using the Arduino IDE. It is popular across millions of hobbyists across the world. Arduino helps circuit developers to build electronic projects and is, perhaps, the most used open-source hardware and software platform.